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Hiya Grade: C

Hiya collects a significant amount of personal data, including call logs, contacts, and audio recordings. While this is necessary for its core spam and fraud prevention features, it raises concerns about privacy.

Hiya shares user data with third parties, including business users, service providers, and data vendors. This sharing is not always transparent, and users may not be aware of the extent to which their data is being shared.

Hiya's data retention policy is unclear. It's not explicitly stated how long data is retained after a user deactivates their account or uninstalls the app.

Hiya's terms of service may be changed at any time without prior notice to users. This lack of transparency can be concerning, as users may not be aware of changes that could impact their privacy.

Here are some specific points:

  • Data is stored: Hiya stores user data, including call logs, contacts, and audio recordings, even after account deactivation or app uninstallation.
  • Identity used for ads: Hiya may use user data for advertising purposes, although it's not explicitly stated how this is done.
  • Access to private messages: Hiya does not access or read private messages.
  • Browser history tracking: Hiya does not track user browser history.
  • True content deletion: It's unclear if deleted content is permanently removed or if it persists in some form.
  • Third-party cookies: Hiya uses third-party cookies, particularly for advertising purposes.
  • Terms change policy: Hiya can alter its terms of service without prior notice to users.
  • Account deletion policy: Hiya does not explicitly state a policy for deleting user accounts.
  • Sharing of personal information: Hiya shares personal information with third parties, including business users, service providers, and data vendors.
  • Tracking methods: Hiya uses cookies and other tracking mechanisms, including mobile application identifiers.
  • Consent assumption: Hiya does not explicitly state whether user consent is assumed based solely on usage.
  • Non-tracking policy: Hiya does not explicitly state a non-tracking policy.
  • IP address tracking: Hiya tracks IP addresses of visitors.
  • Data erasure exceptions: Hiya may retain personal data after a user requests its deletion for legal obligations or other legitimate purposes.
  • Waiver of moral rights: Hiya does not explicitly state a waiver of moral rights concerning user content.
  • Class action waiver: Hiya does not explicitly state a waiver of the right to participate in class action lawsuits.
  • Binding arbitration clause: Hiya does not explicitly state a binding arbitration clause.
  • Reduced legal action period: Hiya does not explicitly state a reduced time period for legal action against the service.
  • Data processing location: Hiya processes user data in various locations, including the USA, Canada, Brazil, Singapore, and Australia.
  • User content licensing: Hiya does not explicitly state a policy regarding licensing user-generated content to third parties.
  • Resistance to legal requests: Hiya does not explicitly state a commitment to resisting legal requests for user information.
  • App permissions: Hiya's app requires access to call logs, contacts, and other device permissions.
  • Content editing policy: Hiya does not explicitly state a policy regarding editing user-posted content.
  • Location data collection: Hiya collects, uses, and shares location data.
  • Non-operation related data sharing: Hiya shares personal data with third parties not involved in the service's operation.

Overall, Hiya's data practices are concerning, particularly regarding data sharing and transparency. Users should be aware of these issues and carefully consider their privacy before using the service.

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Read AI Grade: C

The service can delete specific content without prior notice and without a reason

The service can delete user accounts without prior notice or reason

Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user

The service collects many different types of personal data

This service forces users into binding arbitration in the case of disputes

You waive your moral rights

Some personal data may be kept for business interests or legal obligations

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Read AI Grade: C

Read AI collects a significant amount of personal data, including meeting information, audio and visual files, and user interactions.

Here are some key points for users to consider:

  • Data Retention: Read AI stores audio and video information for up to 2 years, even after a user stops paying for the service.
  • Third-Party Sharing: Read AI shares personal information with vendors, service providers, and consultants who perform services on their behalf.
  • Targeted Advertising: Read AI may share identifiers, such as email addresses and phone numbers, with advertising partners for targeted advertising purposes.
  • Consent Management: Users can opt out of cookie-based advertising and adjust certain cookie settings using the consent management tool on the website.
  • Data Transfer: Read AI may transfer user information to jurisdictions that may not provide equivalent levels of data protection.
  • Account Deletion: Users can delete their accounts, but Read AI may retain certain information as required by law or for legitimate business purposes.

While Read AI provides some transparency regarding its data practices, users should be aware of the potential for data sharing and retention.

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Pens.com Grade C

Points Important for Users:

  • Data Storage: The policy doesn't explicitly state whether data is stored for users who don't create an account.
  • Identity Usage in Ads: The policy doesn't mention using user identity for advertising purposes.
  • Access to Private Messages: The policy doesn't mention accessing or reading private messages.
  • Browser History Tracking: The policy doesn't mention tracking user browser history.
  • Content Deletion: The policy doesn't explicitly state whether deleted content is permanently removed.
  • Third-Party Cookies: The policy doesn't explicitly mention the use of third-party cookies.
  • Terms Change Policy: The policy states that terms can be modified without notice.
  • Account Deletion Policy: The policy doesn't mention account deletion or the process for doing so.
  • Sharing of Personal Information: The policy mentions sharing personal information with third parties, but doesn't specify the nature or extent of this sharing.
  • Tracking Methods: The policy mentions logging IP addresses for access statistics and security purposes.
  • Consent Assumption: The policy doesn't explicitly state whether consent is assumed based solely on usage.
  • Non-Tracking Policy: The policy doesn't explicitly state a non-tracking policy.
  • IP Address Tracking: The policy mentions logging IP addresses for access statistics and security purposes.
  • Data Erasure Exceptions: The policy doesn't mention exceptions to data erasure requests.
  • Waiver of Moral Rights: The policy doesn't mention a waiver of moral rights concerning user content.
  • Class Action Waiver: The policy includes a clause waiving the right to participate in class action lawsuits.
  • Binding Arbitration Clause: The policy includes a binding arbitration clause for dispute resolution.
  • Reduced Legal Action Period: The policy includes a one-year time limit for legal action.
  • Data Processing Location: The policy doesn't specify the location of data processing and storage.
  • User Content Licensing: The policy grants Pens.com a license to use user-generated content for various purposes.
  • Resistance to Legal Requests: The policy doesn't mention resisting legal requests for user information.
  • App Permissions: The policy doesn't mention app permissions.
  • Content Editing Policy: The policy states that Pens.com reserves the right to edit user-submitted content.
  • Location Data Collection: The policy doesn't mention collecting, using, or sharing location data.
  • Non-Operation Related Data Sharing: The policy mentions sharing personal information with third parties, but doesn't specify if this includes parties not involved in the service's operation.

Overall, Pens.com's Terms of Use and Sale are lacking in transparency regarding data privacy and user rights. While they do mention some data collection practices, they don't provide sufficient detail about how this data is used, shared, or protected. The inclusion of a class action waiver and binding arbitration clause also raises concerns about user rights in case of disputes.

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Pens.com Grade C

The service can delete specific content without prior notice and without a reason

Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user

The service collects many different types of personal data

The service tracks you on other websites

This service forces users into binding arbitration in the case of disputes

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SAP Websites Grade C

  • The service can delete specific content without prior notice and without a reason.
  • The service can delete user accounts without prior notice or reason.
  • Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user.
  • The service collects many different types of personal data.
  • The service may share your personal data with third parties that are not involved in its operation.
  • The service tracks you on other websites.
  • The service may retain personal data after a user requests its deletion.
  • The service may license user-generated content to third parties.
  • The service may collect, use, and share location data.

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BestPlay Grade: C

This service collects many different types of personal data.

The service can delete specific content without prior notice and without a reason.

The service may share your personal data with third parties that are not involved in its operation.

Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user.

The service tracks you on other websites.

The service forces users into binding arbitration in the case of disputes.

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TherapyPortal Grade: C

TherapyPortal stores user data, including Protected Health Information (PHI), even if you don't have an account.

The service may share your personal information with third parties, including those not involved in its operation.

TherapyPortal can delete specific content without prior notice and without a reason.

Terms may be changed any time at their discretion, without notice to the user.

The service collects many different types of personal data, including PHI.

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TherapyNotes Grade: C

TherapyNotes collects a lot of personal data, including sensitive health information.

  • The service stores user data, even after account deletion. This data may be retained for legal or business purposes.
  • The service may share your personal information with third parties. This includes vendors, service providers, and potentially advertisers.
  • The service uses cookies and other tracking technologies. This includes third-party cookies for advertising purposes.
  • The service may collect location data. This data may be used for various purposes, including providing personalized content.
  • The service may edit user-posted content for any reason. This could include editing content that is deemed inappropriate or offensive.
  • The service may delete specific content without prior notice or reason. This could include deleting content that is deemed inappropriate or offensive.
  • The service may change its terms and conditions at any time without prior notice to users. This could include changes that are unfavorable to users.

TherapyNotes does have some positive aspects:

  • The service is HIPAA compliant. This means that it meets specific standards for protecting sensitive health information.
  • The service offers users the ability to opt-out of targeted advertising. This gives users some control over how their data is used.
  • The service provides users with the ability to access, correct, and delete their personal information. This gives users some control over their data.

Overall, TherapyNotes is a service that collects a lot of personal data, but it also has some safeguards in place to protect that data. Users should carefully review the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service before using the service.

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